
Butterfly Effect

Butterfly effect, photography, 2021
Butterfly effect, photography, 2021

Efectul fluturelui


Ce-i pasă lui că stâncile-s abrupte?

Că pasu-i greu

Când, spre un scop nerod,

Ne îndreptăm cu mâna tremurândă?

Plutește neștiind vreo încordare,

Dă vesel din aripa-i strălucindă,

Taifunuri ridicând la antipod.

În soare pur se-nvăluie mereu,

Eliptic întregind sisteme rupte.

Ce-i pasă lui de stâncile abrupte?


The Butterfly Effect


What does he care that rocks are steep?

That step is hard

When, to a barren purpose,

We're stretching out a trembling hand?

He floats without a tension of his own,

Joyfully flapping from its shining wings,

Typhoons he's rising at the antipodes.

He always wraps himself in sheer sun

Elliptically filling broken systems.

What does he care about the steeper cliffs?


8 septembrie 2021

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This is a page of two contemporary artists reunited under the name Phanes Art. For the moment, it hosts the works of Mircea-Ioan Lupu. Nonetheless, this is an ongoing project, therefore changes in content might occur, even on daily bases.

Phanes Art SRL


Tel:(+40)745 587 404


Copyright © 2021 Mircea-Ioan Lupu and Phanes Art SRL Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.