
Adevărat vă spun

Adevărat vă spun:

Din primul ou nu a ieșit găină!

(Și nu putem găsi găinii în asta nicio vină)


Căci primul ou a însemnat mișcare

Din ou ieșit-a lumea asta mare

I-o falsă luptă:

"Ce-a fost primul

Oul sau găina?",

Căci ou a fost,

Dar ou a fost mașina

Ce-a separat lumină de-ntuneric,

Și adevăr de ce este himeric.


I bid you truth:

No hen came out of the first egg!

(And we can't blame the hen)


For the first egg meant movement

This world, big as it is,

Came out of the first egg

It's a fake fight:

"which was the first,

The chicken or the egg? "

'Cause egg it was,

But egg was the machine

Which put apart light from the darkness,

And truth from what is not.

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About Us

This is a page of two contemporary artists reunited under the name Phanes Art. For the moment, it hosts the works of Mircea-Ioan Lupu. Nonetheless, this is an ongoing project, therefore changes in content might occur, even on daily bases.

Phanes Art SRL


Tel:(+40)745 587 404


Copyright © 2021 Mircea-Ioan Lupu and Phanes Art SRL Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.