
About Fear

The Eyes Of A Lion
The Eyes Of A Lion

I feared death with a whitening fear,

pale as the antelope that passes before the eyes of a lion about to go blind.

I didn't die,

Yet the lion lingers still

In the white of my eyes,

Roaring against the night

about to begin.


Je craignais la mort avec une peur blanchissante, 

pâle comme l'antilope qui passe devant les yeux d'un lion sur le point de devenir aveugle. 

Je ne suis pas mort, 

Pourtant le lion s'attarde encore 

Dans le blanc de mes yeux,

Rugissant contre la nuit sur le point de commencer.


Mircea-Ioan Lupu, 2021

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About Us

This is a page of two contemporary artists reunited under the name Phanes Art. For the moment, it hosts the works of Mircea-Ioan Lupu. Nonetheless, this is an ongoing project, therefore changes in content might occur, even on daily bases.

Phanes Art SRL


Tel:(+40)745 587 404


Copyright © 2021 Mircea-Ioan Lupu and Phanes Art SRL Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.